Visual perception and Visual information processing (2 CFU). Course given by Prof. Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan (Vengu)

Lecture 1: Introduction; anatomy and physiology of eye – neurons, receptive fields, visual cortex, etc. and basic optics including photometry and radiometry (June 9, 14:30-16:30)

Lecture 2: Tools of visual psychophysics and signal detection theory (June 12, 14:30-16:30)

Lecture 3: Photon detection and various psychophysical laws of sensory science (June 14, 14:30-16:30)

Lecture 4: Spatial and temporal vision – Fourier processing by the visual system (June 20, 14:30-16:30)

Lecture 5: Motion perception – real and apparent motion; optic flow, Reicherdt detectors (July 10, 14:30-16:30)

Lecture 6: Color – basic neurophysiology, color spaces – CIE, models (July 12, 14:30-16:30)

Lecture 7: Elementary introduction to binocular vision – visual space, horopter, stereopsis. Some aspects of eye movements and summary, applications to HMDs,AR,VR devices (July 17, 14:30-16:30)